Even our grandmothers knew that a wrap of curd helps with sore spots on the body. It was said to draw the disease out of the body and this was due to the lactic fermentation process, which also results in anti-inflammatory action, reducing swelling, relieving redness, reducing bitterness and pain.
How to prepare a wrap with curd
1.Cold curd wrap for INJURIES
1 Cold curd
Garlic 1-2 cloves, or milk
- Mix the cold curd with the crushed garlic, or you can mix the it with milk to a mushy consistency.
- Apply this mixture directly to the affected area or to the inner part and wrap with our Priessnitz wrap.
- Secure with Velcro.
- The ideal thickness of the curd is 0.5 -1 cm.
- Take off when the curd is warmed, the ideal time is within 20 -30 min. You can also leave it overnight, e.g. for inflammation in the muscles.
If pain, swelling or inflammatory symptoms persist then repeat the procedure.
Sore throat
Put the curd externally on the neck, or soak the inner part in curd with milk and fasten with Velcro neck wrap. Repeat at least 3 times a day. Evenly apply a packet of curd in a layer of about half a centimeter on the inner part. Apply to the throat. Apply the throat/neck wrap to the neck . When the curd has set, remove the wrap after about 20-30 minutes and repeat with fresh curd.
The curd “pulls” the heat out of the body, the wrap is put either on the chest or on the calves or on the soles of the feet (in a sock), it can be repeated every hour.
Spread cottage cheese on the chest and fix with a chest wrap. Repeat at least 3 times a day.
Burns (even from the sun)
Spread the curd on the affected area and fix with Velcro wrap, you can leave it all night.
Insect bites
Apply curd several times a day or overnight.
You spread the curd on the chest and fix a chest wrap. Repeat at least 3 times a day.
Breast inflammation/Mastitis during breastfeeding
Curd is put on the breast AFTER breastfeeding (you can mix the cottage cheese with milk here). Soak the inner part and fix it with breast wrap (before breastfeeding, on the other hand, the breast needs to be warmed up). Here use a warm wrap, i.e. without the inner part.
I can recommend the curd wrap from experience. If you want to avoid conventional analgesic drugs or antibiotics, definitely try a cold curd wrap. It works very well.
Put some curd on a cotton swab or in the inner part of the wrap headband and put it on the eyelid of the closed eye for 15 minutes, fix it with the wrap headband.
Inflammation, joint and muscle pain
Spread the curd on the affected area and fix with knee wrap, you can leave it overnight.
Try the experience of our grandmothers before you reach for conventional medicines or at least relieve yourself with it when standard treatment is unavoidable.
We wish you good health.
Team Priessnitz wraps.
source: Healing compresses and wraps: Not only from herbs, curd, Bernadette Bachle-Held