The story of Priessnitz wraps – or how time passed
On this page you will find the most important things about the history and development of Priessnitz wraps. If you are interested in more detailed information, we have a downloadable book by Vincenz Priessnitz.
Vincenz Priessnitz
The endless inspiration of natural healing, in today’s words we could say the guru of the world hydrotherapy and the father of modern natural healing – that’s Vincenz Priessnitz. A personality who brought to Jeseník ordinary people, but also members of European noble families, artists, doctors, from all over the old continent. A personality thanks to whom the whole world knew the settlement of Gräfenberk above Jeseník. He was born on 4 October 1799 and died on 28 November 1851. He used clean mountain water and fresh air for treatment and promoted treatment by work. He cured himself of a fatal accident with spring water. Gradually he built a spa where people from all over Europe and overseas came to seek their lost health.
Quote by Vincenz Priessnitz
“Later, when I saw on many occasions that wounded animals seek water and bathe in it, I thought that it must do the same for humans..”
Sebastian Kneipp
Bavarian natural healer and pastor, living from 1821 to 1897, student and friend of Vincenz Priessnitz.
Parish priest Kneipp wrote down his findings in two books, “Water Healing” and “How to Live”. Although it may seem that his advice may be outdated and unfashionable after more than 100 years, the opposite is true.
Quote by Sebastian Kneipp
“The water bestowed upon us by our Creator and the choice herbs of the plant kingdom do the essentials, cure disease and keep the body healthy.”
Martina’s Story
During maternity leave in the autumn of 2014, our pediatrician recommended me to use the chest wrap according to Vincenzo Priessnitz when my daughter had a cold. This wrap consists of a wet towel, plastic wrap and a dry towel. But the wrap didn’t stay in place, it kept falling. At one point I thought that these three layers could be combined into one. I sketched out a possible shape of the wrap on a piece of paper and started looking for a seamstress who would sew it to my liking, including attaching the wrap with an adjustable velcro strap. And that’s how it all begun.
Mamavis quote
“Hydrotherapy, including our Priessnitz wraps, is greatly aided by willpower, self-discipline and active self-help.”
Pavla’s story
As a mum of two, I’ve always relied on the traditional Priessnitz wrap—passed down from my mum and grandmother—to comfort my girls when they were unwell. It’s been a trusted remedy in our family for generations. When I discovered a modern, more convenient vrsion on the Czech market, I was eager to bring it home, only to find it didn’t exist in the UK. Determined to change that, I reached out to Martina, the founder of Mamavis, and together we’ve been working to bring this simple, natural healing method to families here in UK.
All life on earth is closely linked to water. It is an important part of living matter: in humans it makes up 45-70% of our weight. Even the most innocent part of the life of a developing individual takes place in the environment of the amniotic fluid of the mother’s womb – water protects, creates the most suitable conditions for the development of the fetus. Water, along with air and sunlight, is the basic condition for existence. Certainly, energy provision through nutrients cannot be overlooked. Minerals and other biologically active factors are also vital. The body must be provided with a sufficient supply of water, but water is also important from the point of view of hygiene, not only as a means of purification but also for maintaining health in the broader sense of the word, namely for the treatment of disease.
Now you too can experience the power of Priessnitz wraps.
If you are interested in learning more about the origins and development of this unique healing modality,
download Vincenzo Priessnitz’s book or read the following blog articles.